Bill Status Report
06-14-2024 - 16:53:12

- Indicates action since the request date.

Track: Oklahoma Rural Tele Assoc   

HB 1030   Creates the Computer Data Privacy Act, which provides standards and disclosure requirements relating to consumer data privacy and autonomy.
Bill History: 04-14-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
04-12-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1051   Directs utilities placing or having assets within public rights-of-way to provide digital or physical maps to the governmental agency with authority over the relevant rights-of-way, such data to be kept confidential.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1057   Creates the Children and Juvenile Code Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1195   Creates the Secure Telecommunications Act which prohibits the use of hardware and software in state communications systems which originates from certain foreign entities; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 02-22-24 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Rules
02-22-24 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Rules
03-15-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1196   Creates the Corporation Commission Reform Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1197   Creates the Corporation Commission Reform Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1198   Creates the Corporation Commission Reform Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1240   Creates the Oklahoma Eminent Domain Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1250   Creates the Oklahoma Eminent Domain Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1375   Permits certain corporations to use one of several formulas when calculating taxable income.
Bill History: 04-28-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
04-26-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1412   Creates the Corporation Commission Modernization Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1414   Creates the Corporation Commission Reform Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1462   Creates the Corporation Commission Reform Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1590   Requires the 9-1-1 Management Authority to provide online training for operators, adjusts Authority membership, assessments, fees and requires certain data reporting from suppliers.
Bill History: 05-15-23 G Sent to the Governor
05-18-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 258)
05-30-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 11/01/2023

HB 1784   Creates the Information Services Agency as a distinct entity, separated from OMES and transfers related duties and responsibilities.
Bill History: 03-23-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-15-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1846   Makes an appropriation to the Emergency Drought Relief Fund; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1897   Adjusts various definitions and provisions related to the 9-1-1 Management Authority and removes certain governing body requirements and standards.
Bill History: 04-19-23 G Sent to the Governor
04-21-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 49)
05-08-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 11/01/2023

HB 1924   Directs the 9-1-1 Management Authority to maintain an online training platform for emergency telecommunicators and a related list of qualified online and in-person training programs, new hires to complete certain minimum training.
Bill History: 03-23-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-15-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1965   Allows for Electric Providers to use owned or held easements for the purpose of supplying high-speed broadband service, protects such expansions of service from certain civil actions.
Bill History: 05-10-23 G Sent to the Governor
05-11-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 230)
05-12-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 11/01/2023

HB 1977   Directs the Dept. of Transportation to adopt emergency rules for including broadband fiber conduit for internet providers in all new construction, reconstruction and repair contracts as well as other relevant utilities; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 11-17-23 S Carried Over
05-31-24 S Died in Conference Committee
05-31-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2290   Permits electric providers to use infrastructure they own or use for broadband service delivery and protects against civil actions for expanded use of easements as a result.
Bill History: 02-22-24 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 206 House Utilities
02-20-24 H Removed from hearing House Utilities
03-15-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2360   Requires providers seeking to establish telecommunications services in the state to attest to compliance with Corporation Commission rules and also provide certain notice by mail or e-mail to municipalities in their area; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 04-28-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
04-26-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2565   Directs public utilities subject to regulation by the Corporation Commission to submit annual emergency update and maintenance plans.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2842   Creates the Oklahoma Broadband Act of 2023.
Bill History: 02-22-24 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 206 House Utilities
02-20-24 H Removed from hearing House Utilities
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2846   Creates penalties for internet service providers or public entities that fail to submit lawful information requested by the Broadband Office.
Bill History: 03-23-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-15-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2848   Creates the Public Infrastructure Laws Transparency Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2857   Requires certain expired or terminated municipal franchise agreements continue in effect as an implied contract, adjusts procedures of municipalities to receive fees from franchise holders in certain circumstances; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 04-28-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
04-26-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2871   Creates the Scope of Practice for Doctor of Nursing Practice Reform Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 3050   Reduces the window for appeals on certain judgements by the Corporation Commission on petroleum storage tank owners and operators from sixty days to thirty days.
Bill History: 04-18-24 G Sent to the Governor
04-23-24 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 112)
04-30-24 G Earliest Effective Date: 11/01/2024

HB 3293   Creates the Oklahoma Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024.
Bill History: 01-17-24 H Filed
02-06-24 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 3453   Creates the Artificial Intelligence Bill of Rights which requires vendors and services operating large language models and other artificial intelligence to disclose certain information to users.
Bill History: 03-18-24 S Received in the Senate
03-27-24 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Judiciary
04-12-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 3961   Creates a definition for broadband service providers in the ad valorem tax code and directs the Board of Equalization to assess related property at a certain rate.
Bill History: 05-23-24 H Opened for Signatures
05-31-24 H Died in GCCA House GCCA
05-31-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 4065   Exempts entities primarily generating electric power for their own use from definitions and regulations governing electric utilities; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 04-17-24 G Sent to the Governor
04-22-24 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 67)
04-29-24 G Earliest Effective Date: 04/22/2024

HB 4068   Creates a Broadband Administrative Expenses Fund for the Broadband Office to cover administrative costs and needs not otherwise covered by federal grants; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 04-24-24 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 37/N: 6)
04-24-24 S Emergency Passed (Vote: Y: 37/N: 6)
05-31-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 4083   Creates the Oklahoma Broadband Act.
Bill History: 01-18-24 H Filed
02-06-24 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 35   Creates the Electronic Communication and Device Privacy Act which provides for controls and notice requirements on the authority of government entities to access certain private electronic information.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 113   Removes certain in-state manufacturing facility construction tax exemptions.
Bill History: 04-19-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
04-19-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 235   Exempts the Turnpike Authority from certain consolidation requirements related to the Broadband Office; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 05-01-23 G Sent to the Governor
05-05-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 208)
05-12-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 05/05/2023

SB 305   Sunsets certain manufacturing jobs tax credits.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 457   Permits electric providers to use infrastructure they own or use for broadband service delivery and protects against civil actions for expanded use of easements as a result.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 460   Exempts satellite broadcast services and various internet streaming content from certain provisions governing municipal video services agreements.
Bill History: 04-24-23 G Sent to the Governor
04-28-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 121)
05-08-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 11/01/2023

SB 471   Authorizes OMES to appraise and sell all infrastructure related to OneNet and establishes a fund to store the proceeds from the sale, funds to be spent for the purpose of improving broadband infrastructure in the state.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 472   Requires certain electric utilities to maintain certain firm gas supplies, allowing for agreements and policies to mitigate costs to consumers, to be overseen by the Corporation Commission.
Bill History: 03-23-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 497   Exempts certain moving of earth by human power only to bury communication lines from being managed by the Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act.
Bill History: 05-01-23 G Sent to the Governor
05-05-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 211)
05-12-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 11/01/2023

SB 499   Authorizes the Attorney General to enter into memoranda of understanding with any law enforcement entity or district attorney in the conduct of their duties, by request or otherwise; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 05-24-24 S Senate appointed a conference committee: Daniels, Paxton,
Green, Rader, and Matthews
05-31-24 S Died in Conference Committee
05-31-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 504   Establishes standards protecting distributed energy resource utilities producing power on-location under certain standards approved by the Corporation Commission.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 629   Requires well operators to receive written permission for a closure from the landowner or lessee under which the well is being operated prior to any plugging or capping.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 652   Exempts certain nonprofits from professional licensing requirements to perform plumbing, electrician and mechanical maintenance work.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 848   Establishes deadlines and procedures by which the Office of Management and Enterprise Services will fulfill requests for the Broadband Office; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 05-30-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
05-31-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 849   Requires the Office of Management and Enterprise Services provide requested assistance to the Broadband Office within 30 days, and allows the Broadband Office to hire legal counsel as necessary; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 05-25-23 G Sent to the Governor
06-06-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 336)
06-12-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 06/06/2023

SB 885   Requires utility companies and water suppliers to require certain verification prior to service and report suspicious activity by marijuana associated businesses to the Corporation Commission.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 980   Requires conservation easements to be approved by the appropriate governing body such as municipalities or county governments as well as receive comments from the local planning commission; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1021   Directs Broadband Expansion Council shall at least yearly evaluate and review the Broadband Office and Universal Service Funds to review projects, reimbursements, and policies, requires coordination with the Legislature.
Bill History: 03-23-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1022   Requires any provider subject to certain federal broadband standards to update their services in covered areas within three years.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1099   Aligns certain standards under the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act with time frame requirements of the Federal Communications Commission.
Bill History: 04-28-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
04-26-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1103   Creates the Ratepayer Protection Act, directs electric utilities seeking increases in provider rates to submit certain information and metrics to the Corporation Commission and directs utilities to offer rate plans; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-23-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1259   Extends rebates for sales tax exemptions on certain equipment purchased to expand broadband services and establishes future reporting requirements by the Dept. of Commerce and the Broadband Office.
Bill History: 04-29-24 G Sent to the Governor
05-03-24 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 273)
06-03-24 G Earliest Effective Date: 08/28/2024

SB 1369   Requires water districts, corporations and municipally-owned utilities over 10,000 persons but below 50,000 to pay half of the costs and expenses for the removal and relocation of municipally owned utilities constructed in rights-of-way.
Bill History: 02-22-24 S Meeting set for 1:30 p.m., Room 230 Senate General Government
02-22-24 S Not heard in committee Senate General Government
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1518   Directs the Corporation Commission to promulgate rules requiring electric utilities to consider the economic impact of projects when comparing bids.
Bill History: 02-15-24 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m., Room 230 Senate Energy & Telecommunications
02-15-24 S Voted from committee - Do Pass Senate Energy & Telecommunications
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 1744   Adds definitions to the Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act related to excavation occurring to underground facilities, allows observation and provides a reporting process for certain events.
Bill History: 03-07-24 S Set on the Senate Floor Agenda
03-07-24 S Removed from the Floor Agenda
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

- End of Report -

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