Bill Status Report
06-14-2024 - 16:53:12

- Indicates action since the request date.

Track: Swisher   

HB 2238   Grants the ABLE Commission and vapor product sellers additional time before they must comply with certain database and reporting standards, compliance required in 2024; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-13-23 H Laid out for consideration in the House
03-13-23 H Failed to pass (Vote: N: 88/Y: 2)
03-13-23 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2786   Repeals all statutes which pre-empt municipal government action related to the safety of municipal citizens.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 34   Updates certain references in statute related to youth access to tobacco and the ABLE Commission.
Bill History: 05-30-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
05-31-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 184   Removes the state preemption on the ability of local political subdivisions to regulate smoking and vaping, permitting localities to enact standards equal to or more restrictive than the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 215   Permits cities and towns to enact and enforce ordinances prohibiting and penalizing certain alcohol, drug and tobacco standards related to persons under the age of 21.
Bill History: 03-23-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 501   Imposes a fine on any person who knowingly smokes tobacco or marijuana or uses a vapor product while in a motor vehicle with a minor.
Bill History: 03-23-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-15-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 892   Allows municipalities to prohibit and penalize the consumption of tobacco, nicotine, vapor products by persons under the age of twenty-one, sets maximum limit on fines and permits judicial discretion on program referral.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

- End of Report -

Information provided by: legisok.com