Bill Status Report
03-06-2025 - 18:31:56

- Indicates action since the request date.

Track: AONP   

HB 1008   Adjusts abortion exception standards related to the preservation of the life of the mother to specify that priority should be given to both the child and the mother, only performing abortion when the baby is a direct threat to the mother; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
02-26-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 1018   Prohibits health professionals from performing pelvic examinations of unconscious female patients without prior written consent or under certain other specific circumstances.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Not heard in committee House Public Health
02-06-25 H Withdrawn from committee House Public Health
02-06-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules

HB 1067   Requires medical professionals to maintain medical records for at least ten years since a patient s last visit, three years after their death, and three years past the age of majority for minors.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Not heard in committee House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-03-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-03-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 1117   Places a protection in statute for in vitro fertilization procedures performed up to required standards with the written consent of all parties involved.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Committee hearing cancelled House Public Health
02-24-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Public Health
02-24-25 H Failed in Committee House Public Health

HB 1119   Establishes standards for health care insureds to receive care from an out-of-network source provided the cost of such care is less than the average amount paid by the carrier.
Bill History: 02-04-25 H And also Referred to House Oversight: Commerce & Econ Development
02-05-25 H Withdrawn from committee House Insurance
02-05-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules

HB 1145   Provides an exception from certain health licensing requirements to practitioners of traditional indigenous healing arts.
Bill History: 01-14-25 H Filed
02-04-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Public Health
02-04-25 H And also Referred to House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 1169   Repeals various sections of law related to abortion-inducing drugs; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 1172   Prohibits health care professionals from performing certain invasive inspections or treatments on anesthetized or otherwise unconscious patients without specific conditions being met.
Bill History: 01-14-25 H Filed
02-04-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Judiciary - Criminal
02-04-25 H And also Referred to House Oversight: Jud & Pub Safe

HB 1173   Establishes standards for licensed psychologists to prescribe certain psychotropic medication under limited circumstances and with the supervision of a physician.
Bill History: 02-05-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Public Health
02-05-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Public Health
02-05-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 1472   Makes operators of elder care facilities which advertise memory care services but do not meet certain standards of care liable for civil action.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Meeting set for 2:00 p.m., Room 206 House Public Health
02-12-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Public Health
02-12-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 1576   Requires the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to provide coverage for rapid whole genome sequencing through Medicaid when certain criteria is met, at the discretion of the Chief Operating Officer; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 83/N: 14)
03-03-25 H Emergency Passed (Vote: Y: 83/N: 14)
03-04-25 S Received in the Senate

HB 1577   Requires Medicaid to cover the cost of medically necessary donor human milk for premature babies.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
02-26-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-03-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 1812   Establishes the eligibility requirements to serve as a supervising physician for an Advance Practice Registered Nurse.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Public Health
02-24-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Public Health
02-24-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 1831   Creates the Oklahoma Community Health Workers Act, establishes a voluntary certificate for community health care workers, and provides guidelines.
Bill History: 03-05-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-10-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 1832   Includes intermediate care facilities to the list of buildings that must notify patents of any electronic monitoring.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
02-26-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-10-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 2052   Exempts domestic health maintenance organizations that contract with the Health Care Authority from certain provisions of the Health Maintenance Organizations Act in relation to Medicaid.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-03-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-10-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 2233   Transfers authority over the Massage Therapy Act from the Board of Cosmetology and Barbering to the Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
02-26-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-03-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 2262   Expands certain enforcement mechanisms of the Special Care Disclosure Act for Alzheimer's and Dementia, allowing an Attorney General investigation for failure to provide certain notice to patients and their family.
Bill History: 03-05-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-10-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 2298   Grants independent prescriptive authority to Advanced Practicing Nurses who meet certain requirements.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs

HB 2834   Directs the Health Care Authority to expand Medicaid coverage for in-home physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy to 96% of what Medicare pays; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-05-25 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-05-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Oversight: Health & Human Svcs
03-10-25 H Set on the House Floor Agenda

HB 2922   Increases the time frame an individual can bring in a death certificate for amendments due to clerical errors from 60 to 180 days from the date of issuance.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H Referred to House Committee on House Oversight: Government
03-06-25 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 206 House Oversight: Government
03-06-25 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Oversight: Government

SB 27   Exempts prescribers operating in medically underserved areas from certain electronic prescription requirements.
Bill History: 12-16-24 S Filed
01-28-25 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Health & Human Services

SB 29   Requires health care providers to offer patients a pharmacogenic test prior to the prescription of any psychotropic drug.
Bill History: 12-16-24 S Filed
01-28-25 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Health & Human Services

SB 34   Creates the Access to Lifesaving Medicines Act which prohibits health insurers and pharmacy benefits managers from imposing excess cost burdens on prescription drug patients.
Bill History: 12-17-24 S Filed
01-28-25 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Business & Insurance

SB 56   Authorizes the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to create a program that compensates family members of Medicaid participants as in-home caregivers; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 02-20-25 S Meeting set for 1:30 p.m., Room 535 Senate Appropriations
02-20-25 S Title stricken in committee Senate Appropriations
02-20-25 S Voted from committee - Do Pass as amended Senate Appropriations

SB 423   Adjusts various provisions related to the cost, processes, permissions and privacy protections related to medical records kept by health care providers.
Bill History: 01-28-25 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Health & Human Services
02-10-25 S Meeting set for 1:30 p.m., Room 535 Senate Health & Human Services
02-10-25 S Voted from committee - Do Pass as amended Senate Health & Human Services

SB 442   Authorizes Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists to perform certain additional procedures relating to fluoroscopy, sedation and other treatments.
Bill History: 01-08-25 S Filed
01-28-25 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Health & Human Services

SB 569   Allows advanced practice registered nurses meeting certain criteria to apply for an independent prescriptive authority, creating guidelines for an application, renewal, and malpractice insurance.
Bill History: 01-14-25 S Filed
01-28-25 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Health & Human Services

SB 658   Prohibits the Dept. of Human Services from requiring any prospective adoptive or foster parent from affirming or supporting any policy or standard that conflicts with their sincerely held religious beliefs.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Laid out for consideration in the Senate
02-26-25 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 38/N: 7)
02-27-25 H Received in the House

SB 670   Requires health care provider continuing education to include one hour of integrated behavioral health care and directs certain health care professionals to issue a mental health screening instrument to patients during each visit.
Bill History: 03-03-25 S Meeting set for 1:30 p.m., Room 535 Senate Health & Human Services
03-03-25 S Title stricken in committee Senate Health & Human Services
03-03-25 S Voted from committee - Do Pass as amended Senate Health & Human Services

SB 904   Adjusts Medicaid program provisions related to the nursing facility incentive reimbursement, setting partial payment standards related to quality assurance and establishing new standards for reimbursement of intellectual disability care; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-05-25 S Meeting set for 1:30 p.m., Room 535 Senate Appropriations
03-05-25 S Title stricken in committee Senate Appropriations
03-05-25 S Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted Senate Appropriations

- End of Report -

Information provided by: legisok.com