Bill Status Report
06-14-2024 - 16:53:12

- Indicates action since the request date.

Track: OLCA   

HB 1016   Adjusts membership appointments, requirements, and terms for the Route 66 Commission, removes sunset, and creates associated revolving fund; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 05-30-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
05-31-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1030   Creates the Computer Data Privacy Act, which provides standards and disclosure requirements relating to consumer data privacy and autonomy.
Bill History: 04-14-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
04-12-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1051   Directs utilities placing or having assets within public rights-of-way to provide digital or physical maps to the governmental agency with authority over the relevant rights-of-way, such data to be kept confidential.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1741   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1742   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1743   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1744   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1774   Removes provisions exempting the Tourism and Recreation Dept. from certain competitive bidding requirements and standards, requires Dept. compliance with the Central Purchasing Act
Bill History: 05-24-23 G Sent to the Governor
06-07-23 G Signed by the Governor (Chap: 339)
06-12-23 G Earliest Effective Date: 01/01/2024

HB 1846   Makes an appropriation to the Emergency Drought Relief Fund; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 1915   Establishes the Tourism and Recreation Commission as a full governing body rather than an advisory body, transferring certain powers from the Director to the Commission and requiring cause for the Governor to remove members.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2284   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Development Act.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2357   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

HB 2706   Creates the Oklahoma Tourism Act of 2023.
Bill History: 03-03-23 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 H Carried Over
03-01-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 4   Reinstates certain powers of the Tourism and Recreation Commission which were ceded to the Executive Director and the Governor and requires cause for the Governor to remove members of the Commission.
Bill History: 04-23-24 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
04-25-24 H Removed from the Floor Agenda
04-26-24 H Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 114   Places a freeze on increases to fines, fees and tuition rates in institutions governed by the Regents for Higher Education; EMERGENCY.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 326   Includes outdoor advertising devices under provisions governing signage, notice and nuisance standards.
Bill History: 03-03-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
03-01-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

SB 746   Permits certain local county and municipal events to qualify for incentives under the Quality Events Incentives Act, limited to one per calendar year within certain guidelines.
Bill History: 05-30-23 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
11-17-23 S Carried Over
05-31-24 S Dead pursuant to the rules

- End of Report -

Information provided by: legisok.com